Autumn Wonders: Exploring the Season of Fall (Montessori India)

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Pre-Primary / LKG / UKG / KG Lesson Plan – Lesson Plan on Weather (Montessori India), Montessori philosophy

Title:ย “Autumn Wonders: Exploring the Season of Fall”

Age Group:ย Pre-Primary / LKG / UKG / KG (4-5 years old)

Learning Framework:ย Indian National Curriculum Framework (NCF)

Educational Approach:ย Maria Montessori

Learning Outcomes (Based on NCF):

  1. Developing curiosity about the natural world.
  2. Enhancing sensory perception and fine motor skills.
  3. Encouraging exploration and independent learning.
  4. Fostering language and communication skills.
  5. Promoting social and emotional development through group activities.

Resources Needed:

  • Books and pictures illustrating the fall season.
  • Leaves, pinecones, and other natural fall items.
  • Art supplies: colored papers, glue, scissors, crayons, paint.
  • Interactive weather chart.
  • Magnifying glasses.

Lesson Plan:

1. Introduction to Fall (15 minutes):

Start with a circle time discussion about fall. Show pictures and read a short story that captures the essence of the season, highlighting the changes in weather, colors of leaves, and other characteristics unique to fall.

2. Leaf Exploration Activity (20 minutes):

Distribute a variety of leaves to the children and let them explore these with magnifying glasses. Encourage them to notice the differences in colors, shapes, and textures. Discuss why leaves change color in fall.

3. Art and Craft: Leaf Collage (30 minutes):

Provide art materials and assist the children in creating leaf collages. They can trace leaves, color them, or glue real leaves onto paper. This activity helps in enhancing their fine motor skills and sensory perception.

4. Weather Chart Interaction (15 minutes):

Introduce an interactive weather chart. Discuss different weather conditions during fall, such as windy, rainy, or cloudy days. This helps in developing their understanding of seasonal changes.

5. Fall-themed Sensory Play (20 minutes):

Set up a sensory play area with items like pinecones, acorns, and small pumpkins. Allow children to touch, feel, and describe these items, fostering their sensory experiences.

6. Storytelling and Reflection (20 minutes):

End the session with storytelling, where children are encouraged to narrate their own short stories about fall, using their artwork or the sensory items as props. This aids in developing their language and communication skills.

7. Group Discussion and Conclusion (10 minutes):

Conclude with a group discussion where children can share what they liked the most about the day’s activities and what they learned about fall.


Observe children’s participation in discussions, their engagement in sensory activities, creativity in art and craft, and ability to communicate their ideas and experiences.

Alignment with Maria Montessori Method:

This lesson plan is designed in the spirit of Maria Montessori’s educational approach, emphasizing hands-on learning, exploration, and independent discovery. It encourages children to learn through sensory experiences, interaction with the natural environment, and creative expression.

Link to NCF:

The lesson plan aligns with the NCF by encouraging curiosity about the natural world, enhancing sensory perception, promoting exploration and independent learning, and developing language and communication skills.




NCF (India)


Maria Montessori



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