Celebrating April: Earth Day & Easter (Steiner USA)

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Preschool / Pre-Primary / Nursery / Pre-Kindergarten Lesson Plan – Lesson Plan on April (Steiner USA), Steiner philosophy

Title: “Celebrating April: Earth Day & Easter”

Age Group: Preschool / Pre-Primary / Nursery / Pre-Kindergarten (3-5 years old)

Learning Framework: Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF) – USA

Educational Approach: Rudolf Steiner (Waldorf Education)

Learning Outcomes (Based on ELOF):

  1. Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development: Children engage in hands-on activities that encourage physical exploration and creativity.
  2. Social and Emotional Development: Children learn about cultural traditions, promoting a sense of community and shared experience.
  3. Language and Literacy: Children develop their language skills through storytelling, song, and group discussion.
  4. Cognition: Children gain an understanding of the natural world and human’s role within it.
  5. Approaches to Learning: Children engage in imaginative play and creative expression.

Resources Needed:

  • Natural materials for craft (leaves, twigs, etc.)
  • Storybooks related to Earth Day and Easter
  • Musical instruments

Lesson Plan:

1. Morning Circle (15 minutes)

Begin with a morning circle, singing a song about April. Introduce Earth Day and Easter, exploring what they mean and why they are important.

2. Story Time (15 minutes)

Read a Waldorf-style story about Earth Day, discussing the importance of caring for the Earth.

3. Outdoor Exploration (30 minutes)

Take a walk outside, collecting natural materials. Discuss the importance of respecting nature and preserving it for future generations.

4. Craft Time (30 minutes)

Use the collected materials to create an Earth Day craft, such as a nature collage or tree sculpture.

5. Story Time (15 minutes)

Read a Waldorf-style story about Easter, exploring the symbolism and traditions associated with the holiday.

6. Role-Playing (30 minutes)

Facilitate a role-playing session where children can re-enact the Easter story or an Easter egg hunt.

7. Reflection and Music (15 minutes)

Conclude the day with a reflection on the day’s activities. Sing a song related to Earth Day or Easter to reinforce learning.


Assess children’s understanding through their participation in discussions, their ability to retell the stories, and their engagement in creative activities.

Alignment with Steiner’s Approach:

This lesson plan is designed to promote experiential learning, a key principle of the Steiner approach. It incorporates storytelling, imaginative play, and creativity to make learning holistic, engaging, and meaningful.

Link to ELOF:

This lesson plan supports key domains of ELOF, including perceptual, motor, and physical development, social and emotional development, language and literacy, cognition, and approaches to learning.






Rudolf Steiner



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