Exploring the World of Colours (Reggio NZ)

Use the lesson plan below for inspiration in your Kindergarten / ECE program. Want all your lesson plans in one place? Get our lesson plan book (New Zealand).

Kindergarten / ECE Lesson Plan – Learning colours, Reggio Emilia philosophy

Title: “Exploring the World of Colours”

Age Group: Kindergarten / ECE (3-5 Years Old)

Learning Framework: Te Whāriki, New Zealand

Educational Approach: Reggio Emilia

Learning Outcomes (Based on Te Whāriki):

  1. Well-being: The health and well-being of the child are protected and nurtured.
  2. Belonging: Children and their families feel a sense of belonging.
  3. Contribution: Opportunities for learning are equitable, and each child’s contribution is valued.
  4. Communication: The languages and symbols of their own and other cultures are promoted and protected.
  5. Exploration: The child learns through active exploration of the environment.

Resources Needed:

  • Natural materials for colour exploration (flowers, leaves, fruits, vegetables)
  • Paints, crayons, and coloured pencils
  • Colourful children’s literature
  • Colour swatches and mixing palettes
  • Mirror boxes
  • Light table

Lesson Plan:

1. Introduction (15 minutes)

Begin the lesson with a group discussion about colours. Ask children about their favourite colours and where they see these colours in their everyday life.

2. Nature Walk and Colour Collection (30 minutes)

Organize a walk in the natural surroundings. Encourage children to collect items of different colours, discussing these colours and where they are found in nature.

3. Story Time (30 minutes)

Read a colour-themed children’s book, such as “Mix It Up” by Herve Tullet. Engage in a conversation about the story and the colours within it.

4. Reggio Emilia Inspired Colour Exploration (45 minutes)

Set up different exploration stations that encourage the children to interact with colours. Stations might include a painting station, a light table with coloured transparent objects, mirror boxes with coloured items, and a colour mixing station.

5. Creative Expression through Art (45 minutes)

Provide a variety of materials for the children to create their own artwork. Encourage them to experiment with the colours they’ve collected and those they can create by mixing.

6. Reflection and Documentation (30 minutes)

As an integral part of the Reggio Emilia approach, ask the children to reflect on their work and the colours they discovered. Document these reflections and the artwork created for future discussions and learning opportunities.


Assessment will be ongoing through observation of children’s engagement and understanding during the activities. Children’s conversations and artworks can be documented for future reference and assessment.

Alignment with Reggio Emilia Approach:

This lesson aligns with the Reggio Emilia approach by supporting children in their self-guided exploration of colours. It emphasizes documentation as a means of reflection and learning, and values the voices and experiences of the children.

Link to Te Whāriki:

The lesson supports the five strands of Te Whāriki by nurturing children’s well-being, promoting a sense of belonging, valuing each child’s contribution, encouraging communication, and facilitating active exploration of the environment.


New Zealand


Te Whāriki (New Zealand)


Reggio Emilia



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