Lesson Plan on September (Vygotsky New Zealand)

Use the lesson plan below for inspiration in your Kindergarten / ECE learning program. Want all your lesson plans in one place? Get our lesson plan ideas book (New Zealand).

Kindergarten / ECE Lesson Plan – Lesson Plan on September (Vygotsky New Zealand), Vygotsky philosophy

We currently have this lesson plan on September in New Zealand on our waitlist to be built. Join our waitlist for this Vygotsky plan (link in navigation).

In September, New Zealand celebrates its national holiday, Waitangi Day, which commemorates the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi between the British Crown and Mฤori chiefs in 1840. Additionally, the country also observes Conservation Week, which aims to raise awareness about the importance of protecting New Zealand’s unique flora and fauna. Preschool learning environments could be created around these events by incorporating cultural and environmental themes into the classroom. For example, teachers could set up a pretend play area where children can act out the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi or create a nature corner where they can learn about different animals and plants found in New Zealand. Potential preschool lesson plan ideas could include teaching children about the history and significance of Waitangi Day through storytelling, arts and crafts, and music. For Conservation Week, teachers could take children on nature walks, teach them about recycling and composting, and encourage them to create their own nature journals to document their observations


New Zealand


Te Whฤriki (New Zealand)


Lev Vygotsky

