Lesson Plan on Sustainability (Vygotsky Canada)

Use the lesson plan below for inspiration in your Kindergarten / Preschool / SK / Pre-Elementary / ECEC learning program. Want all your lesson plans in one place? Get our lesson plan ideas book (Canada).

Kindergarten / Preschool / SK / Pre-Elementary / ECEC Lesson Plan – Lesson Plan on Sustainability (Vygotsky Canada), Vygotsky philosophy

We currently have this lesson plan on Sustainability in Canada on our waitlist to be built. Join our waitlist for this Vygotsky plan (link in navigation).

It is important to incorporate sustainability into preschool education in Canada because it helps children develop an understanding and appreciation for the environment, and encourages them to become responsible global citizens who are mindful of their impact on the planet. Preschool learning environments that could be created to teach sustainability could include outdoor gardens, composting stations, and recycling centers. These spaces would allow children to learn about the natural world and how to care for it, while also providing hands-on opportunities to practice sustainable habits. Potential preschool lesson plan ideas could include exploring different types of plants and animals, learning about the importance of reducing waste and conserving resources, and participating in activities that promote eco-friendly practices such as recycling and composting. Teachers could also incorporate books, songs, and art projects that focus on sustainability and environmental awareness




Complete Canadian Curriculum (Canada)


Lev Vygotsky

