A Nighttime Adventure: Learning with ‘Owl Moon’

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Preschool / Pre-Primary / Nursery / Pre-Kindergarten Lesson Plan – Learning Owl Moon Book, Maria Montessori philosophy

Title: “A Nighttime Adventure: Learning with ‘Owl Moon'”

Age Group: Preschool / Pre-Primary / Nursery / Pre-Kindergarten (3-5 years old)

Learning Framework: Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF) – USA

Educational Approach: Montessori Method

Learning Outcomes (Based on ELOF):

  1. Language and Literacy: Improve vocabulary and comprehension skills through story discussion.
  2. Cognition: Understand the concept of patience, observation, and the nocturnal nature of owls.
  3. Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development: Develop fine motor skills through related hands-on activities.
  4. Social and Emotional Development: Foster understanding of patience and shared experiences.

Resources Needed:

  • The book “Owl Moon” by Jane Yolen
  • Craft materials (construction paper, crayons, feathers, glue, etc.)
  • Nature sounds (owl hooting, night sounds)

Lesson Plan:

1. Story Introduction (15 minutes):

Read “Owl Moon” to the children. Ask the students to listen carefully, look at the pictures, and interact with the story.

2. Story Discussion (15 minutes):

Discuss the story, focusing on the patience required to see the owl, the observation skills used, and the experience of the father and child. Ask the children how they would feel if they went on a similar adventure.

3. Craft Activity – Owl Moon Art (30 minutes):

Provide children with craft materials and guide them to create their own “Owl Moon” art. They can draw an owl or recreate a scene from the book. This activity aids in the development of fine motor skills and creative expression.

4. Practical Life Activity – Sound of Nature (20 minutes):

Play nature sounds and let children identify them. Explain the different sounds owls make and when they can hear them (nighttime). This activity enhances their auditory discrimination skills.

5. Reflection and Conclusion (20 minutes):

Revisit the story and discuss the importance of patience, observation, and the beauty of shared experiences. Ask the children about their favorite part of the story and the activities.


Evaluate children’s comprehension of the story, their engagement in the discussion, their participation in the craft and sound identification activities, and their reflections on the story.

Alignment with Montessori Method:

This lesson plan aligns with the Montessori method by encouraging independent exploration, hands-on learning, and respect for nature. The craft and sound identification activities provide sensory experiences, allowing the children to actively participate in their learning process.

Link to ELOF:

The lesson plan engages all four domains of the ELOF – language and literacy, cognition, social and emotional development, and perceptual, motor, and physical development. This ensures a comprehensive and enriching learning experience for the preschool children.






Maria Montessori



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